Campers participating in the Super Cool Science course as a part of The Center for Growth and Innovation program (CGI) are finding animals inside of other animals this morning. After they paired off, campers were given a small set of owl pellets and were challenged to find as many bones and remnants of creatures inside of them.
CGI Counselor, Mr. Andrew, taught campers about an owl’s appetite, which most commonly includes the likes of rodents, shrews, moles and birds. However, owls aren’t able to digest much of the bones and cartilage inside of those animals. These remains condense into a pellet which the owl regurgitates. CampersĀ used large dissecting tweezers to pick apart the pellets and uncover all different kinds of small animals’ bones inside, including skulls, claws, ribs and more.
- One camper shows off the rodent skull he found inside a pellet.
- A camper shows a piece she found inside of an owl pellet.
- Campers dissect owl pellets at camp.
- Campers construct a Skeleton Diagram using bones they found inside of their owl pellets.